Looky! A quiz!
B a s i c S t u f f
1) Single or Taken: Single
2) height: 5'7.5
3) Birthday: October 24, 1980
4) Siblings: A step sister, but we're pretty close so we don't use the step in sister.
6) Hair colour: Dark brown, it looks black.
7) Eye colour: silvery blue.
8) Shoe size: 7-8
9) WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR KITCHEN PLATES? Emmmm......I don't really have a set of my own yet.
R e l a t i o n s h i p s
1) Who are your best friends? (Alphabetical order)
Lilith, Sharon, Swub
2) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nopeth
3) Did you send this to your crush? nah!
F a s h i o n Stu f f
1) Where is your favourite place to shop? The Garage, EB, Any place that sells funky action figures and other junk like that, Future shop for all the computer stuff and CD's, DVD's and junk.
2) Any tattoos or piercings? No but plan to get a tatto
T h e E x t r a S t u f f
1) Do you do drugs? Nah!
2) What kind of shampoo do you use? Something thatwashes my hair
3) What kind of conditioner do you use? same bucko!
4) What are you most scared of? Spiders!
5) What car do you wish to have? a old 70's firebird!
6) Who is the last person that called you? Lilith
7) Where do you want to get married? Inside a old church that has a lot of history, maybe somewhere like Barkerville...
8) How many buddies do you have online right now? To many to count!
9) If you could change anything about yourself what
would you change? Not a thing!
f a v o r i t e s
1) Colour? Red, black, orange, blue... I like a lot of colors!
2) What's your favourite food? Japanese aka, sushi!
3) Book? Vampire Chronicle books
4) Drink? Diet Pepsi and Martinis.
5) Magazine? any video game or photoshop magazines!
6) Animal? Probably wolves
7) Game? LOK series*ain't that obvious*, FF series, I'm finicky on my games!
8) Place to kiss someone? Lips mostly but I liek to explore.... >_>
9) Favourite cartoon character: At the moment, probably Inuyasha!
10) Smell? The smell of the outdoors right after a storm!
H a v e Y o u E v e r
1) Given anyone a bath: That's non of yer beez wax
2) Ever been in love? Yes
3) Bungee jumped: No....
4) Broken the law: I'm a Rebel! Well ok a bit of one....
5) Made yourself throw-up: Uhhh no....
6) Gone skinny-dipping? That still nonof yer beez wax
7) Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? When I was little, yea, a few times. I was such a brat!
F i r s t T h i n g T h a t C o m e s T o M i nd
1) Red: Blood
2) Cow tipping: Cows tip? I bet they don't tip much, dirty bastards!
3) Socks: lost
4) Greenland: Vikings!
Q u e s t i on s
1) Do you like filling these out? Not really.
2) Gold or Silver: Silver.....but some gold is ok, it depends I guess.
3) What is the last film you saw at the cinema: Cold Mountain.
UP IN THE MORNING? I hate mornings! And I hate the sun! *curses the sun*
5) What do you have for breakfast in the morning? A bagel!
6) HOW MANY RINGS BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE PHONE? It really depends who's callin' me!
7) Who do you wish you could talk openly to?: No one at the moment.
8) WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT IN LIFE? Being happy in life and being content, family and friends, and my drawings! I have to draw!
9) DO YOU SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL? Uhhh no, I think I'm a bit old for that now eh?
10) STORMS - COOL OR SCARY? Very cool!
11) IF YOU COULD MEET ONE PERSON DEAD OR ALIVE? Tetsuyra Numoura *FFdesigner for FF's 7 to X-2, except 9*
14) WHAT’S UNDER YOUR BED? A greens monster by the name of George!
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