Thursday, June 26, 2003

hey hey Looky at this new fandangled I didn't do it with my newly bought tablet, but instead I did this with my newly bought graphite!! Anyways it's a gift for Lichie, but it's to damn good to go in the gift section, so up it went into the fanart section. But ya, here ya go

And well what do ya know, no wonder why my blog post thingy wasn't workin' today. I come here and what do I get, and new revamped look for the editor,

Anyways...ya...that's it for me...>_>

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

I bought me a tablet, yes finally eh? Although for the longest time I thought I had to take it back since it wouldn't work for me. If not for a good friend helpin' me out online I wouldn't of been able to make it work. The thing is my dear sister totaly screwed up the computer and all it's drivers the last time she reformatted it, or should I say deformatted it back down to Windows 98. So it has its problems, includin' not allowin' me to put my nice new shiny wacom tablet on it. But now it works. I was glad I picked it up for $150, good price eh? Well I thought so. It's kinda odd, but really cool this thing, I can't wait to draw up my next pic that will be done up in photoshop...I can just think of all the things I can do with it...grass...rain...oh the possibilities!!

My sister was proud though, all this time I've been savin' money and no spendin' amd she's all like, go out have a good time or go buy somethin' for yerself ya deserve it, but nope, art school baby!! That is until I bought my tablet, oh well it's not like I'm broke because of it.

Anyways ya that's my news for the ya know I have three posts for today....
LOK Defiance is comin' out and everybody on NR *Nosgothic Realm* is goin' absalutly nuts for it, especially some piticular people *snickers* Anways Smackbabe made this awesome just cracks me up so much!!

But meh that's about it for now...
Mood ~ Happy
Music ~ various video game themes

My niece thinks I'm a geek for listenin' to music from video games, but then again she doesn't understand them and hates anythin' to do with the two words 'video' and 'games'. Oh well her lose, their is always the younger one to mold.

I hate this place, and I hate my niece for leavin' the door so fuckin' wide open so she can just let all those huge frickin' blood suckin' bastards in the house!! I had a swarm of them all over me, agh was it ever disgustin'. I don't like bugs, I'm odd that way, I can manage human intestines anyday and see people be eaten and tons of blood, but bugs, well they just grosse me out. I'll run away from a spider anyday, but blood oh that's cool. Like I said before, I'm odd that way. Damn masquitos, they've come to bloody well suck me up again!! Now if it were a vampire, I'd be like ok with a big grin on my face, especially if it were Kain...and yes I'm goin' back into my LOK Kain phases again, but when have I not been in that phase? But now with the new games, it's like BOOM!! Here we go again, ten times better baby!!

I'm drawin' this pic of Moe for Lichie, and I have no clue as to what to do with it....I want to put Roa in the background there...why i don't know...that or Rell. But it's a gift so I dunno...that or I could put Raziel back there, Sarafan Raziel to be exact...agh i dunno what to do at all with it, but Moe sure does have a evil look on his face.

Ok movin' on from my total LOKness today......

I'm itchy!!! Damn blood suckers!!!!! Kill them all I say, wipe them out with some sort of raid, hell I don't care what ya use, just get rid of theses suckers, and the wosrte part of them is that they are frickin' HUGE!!! AGH!!! >_<

Hey I'm almost done my book, *sighs* But what depresses me the most is that I can't find any Anne Rice books anywhere in this friggin' town. She's a popular auther, but do they have her books? nope, not at all!! So I guess I'll have to wait until I get home to read QOFD, and yes the movie was terriable, but prehaps the book will be better.

Ok I'm bein' eaten alive here, so I gotta go and get me some bug dope.