Friday, February 07, 2003

Why me? Why is it always me? Why do I always attract the wierdos? And why must everyone I know try to set me up with someone, whether he's a real nice guy, or some drawing of a demonic wrestler *sighs*

Thursday, February 06, 2003

Mood ~ A bit to high on sugar
Music ~ Final Fantasy X stuff


Ok I'm a bit hyper, can't ya tell? *spins around on spinny chair* It's the pop I tell ya, the damn curesed thing, it's gets me high on sugar. Well atleast I ain't hihg on Oxygen[don't ask, dumb inside joke, but all my friends know what I mean]

Anywho, looky at this, ain't Alaira just so damned cool!! I've missed my brightly colored MYTH cast. People always used to say that my MYTH stuff was a twist mixed with a bunch of stuff, but always said that it was like Final Fantasy in my own way. My bud Sharon always said me and Tetsuya Nomura would be a great team. Ha I wish, that guy is famous for his character designs, like Cloud, Squall. I mean c'mon!?

Although I do make good characters, and all my stories would make you cry, I swear!! Everyone that has read any of my scripts have literally balled their eyes out. I have a thing with making my stories sad, and I think that to me it makes it more real, because everyone looses something along the way, we all fight for something, whether it is little or big, and there is always something that ends up in a tragety, whether it be a tragety suffered by the world or just by a handful of people. Our losses make the world come to more of a understanding. If only this is understood by a few, atleast there's a few people that truely understand the meaning of what? Life, prehaps not, but atleast they understand as why they are here, and maybe not even that, maybe nobody understands as to why they are here, but atleast they will understand the meaning of tragety and losse, and as long as we can understand that, prehaps we can make a better world for each other. Just as long as someone is willing to fight for that. Whether it be within peaceful converstation or is won by a victory on the battlefield, just as long as someone understands it will be all worthe it, won't it?

God it feels like I'm writing a novel of some sort. Ya know I'm going into a totaly different serious direction that what I had started out with. it's just a hella lot of thing been on my mind lately, from eveything dealing with family to my own life. It's like all of a sudden it just got me going, and won't let me stop. Ok sure I've worked, I've had crappy jobs before. But this is kinda scary, I mean I'm moving away from home. To the northeren artic wasteland, sure I'll have family up there, but it just seems sort of quick, fast and furious ya know? I know I have to get a move on, but it's so exciting and yet so unknown, kinda cool. Other then that I don't know what I'm saying, just that I can't wait to go to art school, and actually start workin' in real artsey places. I know I will have to work my way up, but one day my name will be under character designer. I just hope it works out for me, I don't think I could do anything else but draw, I mean this is it for me. I know what I want to do, and I absalutly love it. All I want to do is create characters and stories, and have these people I have created, and have their lives touche people in some sort of way that will make them think a bit, that's all I want.

'Nuff said eh?

Monday, February 03, 2003

Mood ~ a bit sad, and tired.
Music ~ Saliva - Always

I tell you all now, be grateful for what you have, be grateful for the people that love you, and especially be gratefull towards your parents. I know I can preach this a million times, and yet still no one will listen to me, but still be grateful for life, even that parts that get bad, for every bit of food you eat, and for every brick that is your house that keeps you warm at night. I want you all now to kiss your hand and smack it real hard on yer ass. Do it.

Last night was a frenzy of maddness, and I ain't going to say exactly what happened. But some young little pip squeek I know needs to learn everything I just said above. All I can say is that I'm really proud of the mother.

Anyways enough of that, I don't want to get into a maddening firecly typing away at the computer mood, because I'm kinda mad at the moment, but I'll try to calm myself down, and please don't ask what happened. I won't tell you.

But anywho, looky at this, isn't Angels Redwing mighty impressive looking, since she used to kinda look like this.
It's always so cool to revamp characters, give them a bit of a new look. I'm doing that with all my MYTH characters, and so far they're all lookin' pretty damn good.

Sunday, February 02, 2003

Mood ~ Tired
Music ~ Coldplay

I swear within the last couple of days I've gotten more treats from my mom then I think I would get in a entire month. She keeps buyin' me stuff. Yesterday she brought hom some Puffenusiea(it's a kind of german cookie) and a bunch of skittles, and chocolate.
The day before that she brought me back more stuff, from wherever it was that she got it from. And the day before that to. I tell ya I'm going to be so loaded with chocolate and candy, I think I may have to give it away before I leave, I might have to much just stashed away.

My mom can be the sweetest thing at times, as long as ya don't piss her off, don't want to face the motheraly anger now do we? Anywho, I know she's going to miss me like crazy, hell she already is. But sheesh I was going to buy some of the winter equipment up in Yellowknife, but we found out that it is something like twenty below up there during March, and so I'll need the equipment for when I go up, so I can't buy it there. And it's the strangest thing, my mom has absalutly no problem with buying it all, well most of it anyways. She was only supposed to buy me the coat, but now she has bought me a pair of fuzzy pants, and a nice new carry on bag. It's nice to, it has the pull out handle and wheels and whatnot, so I can drive it into annoying people at the airport, well maybe not. Looks like I'm getting free boots to.

Anywho, I'm tired. But I guess stayin' up to four in the morning for five days straight will do that to ya. Early night for me tonight, ha good luck. I can't stop drawing, I have ten zillion ideas, and I can't stop drawing. And I'm drawing everything, I'm getting back to drawing some of my MYTH characters. I thought I had passed that book over (it's one of my graphic novels) for Ravenous, now don't get me wrong I still adore Ravenous, and I do intend to finish that story. Already got two more pages going, one inked and ready to be scanned in and colored on photoshop, the other page I still need to ink. But it's been kinda neat to take some of my beloved characters like Angel, and give he a bit of a new look, and since my drawing has improved so much within the last year or so, she now looks really good. I must say though, MYTH is different from Ravenous, it's so much brighter, and the characters are actually human. A nice change.

Anywho I want to draw some big pic of Angel and the gang and color it in photoshop, but I haven't the slightest clue as to what I want.