Friday, April 22, 2005

The shit is Bananas!

Mood: Relaxed
Music: Gwen Stefani - Hollback Girl

Yarr I like this song! *boogies* Gwen is one mighty fine musician!

Anywho.... hrmmm nothing much a do about me or what's been goin' on with me. So let's see, what to write?

Hrmmmm... well I'm almost done my portfolio, gonna hand it on this cominc Monday! It's very nerve racking! Out of 150 some odd people that apply only 22 will get in! See how nerve racking that can be? But I'm givein' it me best shot, I just hope it's good enough. *sighs*

But yea... that's about it. I'm bored.... ~____~

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Har har har

Woke up at 10:30am this morning... was mega tired because I didn't actually fall asleep until 4am. Anywho yep, got dressed obviously before running out the door to catch the bus.

Buses are highly annoying considerin' the fact that they are usually late. I mean ok, they have gotten a lot better then they used to be. Sometimes your bus just wouldn't show up all because your suposedly friendly neighborhood bus driver has either fallen asleep, got to lazy to care, or is off in lala land high on some cocane. Joy! Anywho, yea the bus was late today, by 10 mintues! Sure 10 minutes isn't really nothing, but given the fact that they sometimes come 10 minutes early you have to be at the friggin' Bus pole at least 15 minutes early.

So yea... I was there for almost a half an hour. However once the bus does come I climb aboard, plop myself into some nice seat by a window and just listen to The Killers! Which is a awesome band. If you don't have they're CD yet go buy it!

So some time later I finally reach my destination. So there I am with discman in hand, sketchbook in bag, and wearin' my black tough chick leather jeacket, along with my funky tight blue jeans and my new pink shoes. I looked cute. Obviously people will notice this! Of course however, I don't have all the luck with nice lookin' guys noticing this! So whilst I'm looking there at my watch deciding when I should get the next bus home and how long I have and all that I get hit on by some random guy. At this point I don't give a rats ass. All I wanted to do was go to the mall and draw. Why must it be that everywhere I go I get hit on!? I'm like AGH!! Go away! He's all talk I can tell. I start sayin' that I got other things to do, I'm very busy. He just doesn't want to leave it alone. So I start walkin'! Finally he leaves me be.

Before going off to draw however, I wanted to take a look around Chapters. So off I go, across the street from the mall and swing myself around those twirly doors, gotta love those things, and I firstly hit the magazines. Pick up a Photoshop book. They're always nice, ya get free discs with a bunch of free PS crap on them. Lovely! So yea I'm standing there for a bit, then I eventually lean towards the arts section. They had such lovely life drawings books there. So yea I stand there for a bit droolin' over books I cannot afford. After the art section I then hit the wicca and biblical section. I love various religions. So I'm always readin' up about religious outlooks and different cultures. After that I hit the Graphic Novel area and usually grumble about the pimpled face 15 year olds takin' up the entire space in front of the area in question. The boys are one thing, the girls are the worst tho'! All they do is sit there and talk about how cute Inuyasha and Kagome are. >.<;; Oh yea I want some Hellboy books!

So yea after taking a browse through that I'm usually by then in the line up buyin' my magazine. Hit Nandos for lunch, they make the best chicken sandwhiches EVER! I mean if ya like spicey stuff you'd like Nandos! Drew up the interior of the Nandos and then hit the mall afterwards and drew some more crappy realistic people. Went home afterwards. Begged my dad to go into some store and buy me a playboy! Why? Because it's got some nifty puportions and poses! Or atleast the Playgirl does. He said sure, he'd go. I was like YAY!!! All I gots to do is to a draw a couple naked chicks, because I already got a few men done, and I'm good to go with my portfolio! So yep that was my day. Har har har....

Monday, April 18, 2005

fefefefiifooooffuuummm BOOYAH!

Full Name: Elsie
Age: 24
Height: 5'7.5
Weight: 130 or so me thinks O.<
Natural Hair Color: Dark brown, looks almost black
Eye Color: light blue
Number of Siblings: One crazy step sister
Glasses/Contacts?: Contacts
Pierceings?: Had some, but apparently I'm allergic. o.O
Tatoos?: Nein.
Braces or Retainers?: never had 'em!


Color: Black, pink and red
Band: Currently The Killers
Song(s): All these things that I have done ~ The Killers, In the still of the Night ~ Ella Fitzgerald, Holiday ~ Green Day.
Stuffed Animal: nada
Video Game: LOK, MGS, FF
T.V. Show: Used to be Buffy, but it's over now. =(
Movie: Gladiator
Book: The Vampire Chronicles
Food: Sushi!
Games on a Cell Phone: Glactica!
CD cover: Interlude Mantras ~ The Tea Party. *it moves!*
Flower: Something that smells pretty.
Scent: chocolate
Animal: Snakes
Comic Book: Sojourn
Cereal: Fruit loops
Website: DeviantART.
Cartoon: Teen Titans! YARR!


Play an Instrument?: Nada
Watch T.V. more than 60 hours a week?: Nope
Like to sing?: Yep!
Have a job?: Sadly now. I tend to go from odd job to the next odd job.
Have a cell phone?: yep
Like to play sports?: NEIN!!
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Naaahh got no time for one.
Have a crush on someone?: o.O Nope
Live somewhere NOT in the United States?: In Canada possiably.... *whistles*
Have more than five T.V.s in the house: Iza gots three baby!
Have any special talents/skills: Drawing, CGing, annoy the hell out of people....
Exercise daily?: I walk lots, does that count?
Like school?: I wanna go back =(


Sing the alphabet backwards?: possiably
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?: If I like try for a logn while yeah.
Speak any other languages?: I can remember some spanish... not that really counts.
Go a day without food?: Yep.
Stay up for more than 24 hours?: Oh yea!
Read music, not just tabs?: A bit.... but it's not all that interesting to me.
Roll your tounge?: Yep
Eat a whole pizza?: If really hungary,. yes.


Snuck out of the house?: Yep
Cried to get out of trouble?: If I did, I don't remember
Gotten lost in your city?: Nope
Seen a shooting star?: Yep
Been to any other countries?: The states.... oh yea....
Had a serious surgery?: Does root canal count... guess not eh?
Stolen something important to someone else?: No.
Solved a rubiks cube?: ALMOST! Once long ago... >.>;;
Gone out in public in your pajamas?: To take the trash out.
Cried over a girl?: Nope
Cried over a boy?: Yep
Kissed a random stranger?: Nein!
Hugged a random stranger?: Yep
Been in a fist fight?: Yeppers
Been arrested?: Nope
Done drugs?: Kinda... sorta
Had alcohol?: Hell yea!
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose: No... o.O
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?: Probably.
Gone to school only to find out you had the day off because of a holiday/etc.?: Yep
Swore at your parents?: Yep, I'm such a naughty child!
Kicked a guy where it hurts?: Yep!
Been in love?: yep!
Been close to love?: O.<
Been to a casino?: Yep, gambled 10 bucks, and lsot it all! Oh yea... *sacrasim*
Ran over an animal and killed it?: Nope
Broken a bone?: Nope, amazingly
Gotten stitches?: Nope
Had a waterballoon fight in the winter?: Yep!
Drank a whole gallon of milk in an hour?: No...
Made homemad muffins?: Yep
Bitten someone?: Yes
Been to Disneyland/ Disneyworld?: Disneyland
More than 5 times?: Once
Been to Nieagra Falls?: Been close to it!
Burped in someones face?: Nein!


Fruit/Vegetables: Fruit
Black/White: Black
Lights on/Lights off: Off
TV/Movie: meh....
Car/Truck: Mustang baby!
Body spray/lotion: Lotion
Cash/check: CASH
Pillows/blankets: Blankets
Headache/stomach ache: headache
Paint/charcoal: Paint
Chinese food/Mexican food: chinese
Summer/Winter: Winter
Snow/Rain: Snow
Fog/Misty: Fog
Rock/Rap: All of it!
Meat/Vegetarian: Meat
Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate
Sprinkles/Icing: sprinkles
Cake/Pie: cake
French toast/French fries: Both
Strawberries/Blueberries: I like both
Ocean/Swimming pool: Ocean
Cookies/Muffins: cookies
Wallet/pocket: pocket
Window/Door: Window.
Pink/Purple: Pink
Cat/Dog: Dog
Long sleeve/Short sleeve: depends waht the weather is like.
Pants/Shorts: pants
Winter break/ Summer break: Winter
Spring/Autumn: Fall
Clouds/Clear sky: A bit of both
Moon/Mars: Moon