Saturday, August 07, 2004

Last Night

Well tonight is my last night alone in the house.....last time home alone for probably a very long time! *sighs* And it seems my niece is serious about moving in with us. *sighs* This is gonna be one hell of a trip...I can tell ya that. She called this morning and asked where my folks where. It's like weren't ya listening when we stated rules, that ya can't come until the end of August? I mean she knew they were gonna be on a cruise. >.<

Annnyways..... I made 6000 hits on Deviantart today! Just 4000 more until 10,000!! w00t!! I never suspected I would really like this Deviantart thing. I mean I was like oh umm... ok, it looks cool, but look at all the othr faboo artists on that thing! I'm nothing comparded to them, and still to this day I'm still nothing compared to a lot of artists, but I've grown and I have gotten better at my art. I'm a lot better at CGin' then I ever used to be! But meh...I wonder if I'll ever be great one day?

Oh played Prince of Persia...didn't know if I mentioned that already. this game is addicting, and now that I finally got it..well rented it, I unfortunatly had to take it back ealier this afternoon. I love the moves ya can do with this game and the whole aspect of and graphics are awesome. If yer like me and hasn't played it yet, go do so..well ok I've played it now, but it took me long enough eh?

I want peanuts! oO

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Home alone life

Music ~ Black Eye Peas/Let's get retarded
Mood ~ Happy

Home alone life is gooood... real good! Agh one of these days hopefully iw ill move out....but it's so pricey these days, esepcially here in BC, and I ain't rantin' about it, it's been said through the newspapers and the news on TV. Plus it's incrediably hard to find a job. Ya know even tho' I would miss everyone, but maybe moving to Alberta would be a good choice for this family. Then I could atleast get ajob without having to fight tooth and nail for it and ending up depressed because ya lost all yer teeth and nails only to find out that ya didn't get the job! *sighs*

Lifes a bitch...but I ain't gonna die yet! =P

Been workin' on a new layout for BA! Well same basic HTML layout, just a new picture. I was planning on makin' it simple, but me and my god damn details eh? >.<>.<>.> *gets pummeled with bricks by umah fans* AGH!! >.<

I can't wait until I get me some money, I wish my sister would hurry up tho'. She has to pick up my check from subway in yellowknife and she always takes yer fuckin' bloody time!

Anyways I'm off to go make me some my nice quiet house.. *sighs* It's lovely... *call over the strippers* I jest! I jest!!

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Kill Bill

Finally!! FInally is ay I finally got to see this movie and it tocks, although I do have to say there are times were they could of done better and Umah Therman isn't the best actor but hey it rocked!

Some of the fighting scences were lovely in there own gruesome way. can we say Blood splatters? Anyways I'm sure the first Kill Bill is all old news to must of you, but it's new to me. Like I said I FINALLY got caught up and saw it.

But ya know I wish they got someone else to play the role of the almost seems Umah is just tryin' a bit to hard. Oh wellz. But Lucy Lou! WOW she was great in that movie!! Go LUCY!!! She's a pretty gal, plus she's got this edge to her in her acting skillz, makes her cool!

Anyways...yep that's it, lates.