Saturday, January 31, 2004

Mood ~ bleh!
Music ~ No dount/It's my life

Well I finally spent that freebe of a ticket I got from me sister for two moive tickets and popcorn and shit. Yay! Anywho went to go see Cold Mountain. I must say what a good movie! At first i wanted to go see it then I was like...meh, and now that I have seen it, I really enjoyed it. I really love the visuals of all the blood and gore of the opening act of the civial war. How stupid people are when they are caught up in such trivual things as war. I mean this whole army fell into their own trap!

Anyways, the basic plot isn't so much about the war,which gives it a interesting twist of story. It's about this guy who abandons his post, and for doing so he's now a traitor. But he wants to get back to his gal at home whom is played by Kidman, who did a good job btw, anyways he does a bunch of things on his way home, like conformting a gal with a baby, killing a bunch of people, cut off a cows head with a saw, and get seduced by some lousey whore lady. yep, but through all this he still tries to get home and doesn't do anything that would put Kidmans character to shame.

On the other end of things, Kidmans dad dies, she goes broke because of the war, and can barely make ends meet, until Ruby comes along *Renne's character*, whom by the way does a brilliant job, and teaches Kidman how to fun a farm, the two become close friends and such.

Thing is I liked how they showed how life was during those times, really the story wasn't so much of a love story, sure it had a sex scene, but really it showed the times of the people, the age itself and how the war effected the people at home.

So anywho I was quiet impressed! And I say go see it, I know not a lot of people are into the luvvy duvvy love stories and hate seein' the war stories, but what this really is, is a story of survivla in the days of the cival war. How people used to live day by day. Man those people had guts!

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