Friday, July 30, 2004

Chrono Cross

Chrono Cross, I love this game, many did, it was voted by many the best game of the eyar back in 2000! So, why on earth are there no sites dedicated to it? Nevermind Chrono trigger, looked for that to. Now I know Final Fantasy is on top of Squenixes list and I love that serious probably more then I love the chrono series, but still it seems that it's such a shame.

I find stuff on Chrono Cross...but it has it's own section on a FF site, with little information. It's sad, sad that great games don't get reconized.

So I got to thinking that maybe I should just make up me own CC site, and then get a CT fanatic *because to me it was just a ok game* to help out with everything.....but I dunno. Shame eh?

If I were to do it I would love to do a entire theme on Harle, or prehaps on Lynx...because well....I love those two! =D

I'm gonna ask around about it.


A survey! JOY!! =P

Your name: Elsie
Age: 23
Height: 5'7.5
Natural hair colour: Dark brown
Eye colour: silvery blue
Number of siblings: One step sister
Glasses/contacts?: nope
Piercings: nah
Tattoos: Plan on gettin' one soon!
Braces?: nope. oO

Colour: Red
Band: That's so unfair... I can't answer that I love so many!!
Song: Too many...
Stuffed animal: My Simba I got whilst in Disneyland
Video game: FF7 and 8
TV show: Buffy! *Come back Buffy, Angel ain't good enough!!*
Movie: Gladiator...what?
Food: Sushi!
Game on a cell phone: Cellphones are the creation of the devil!! >.<
CD cover: The last Tea Party album
Flower: Roses
Scent: the scent of candles
Animal: Wolves
Website: Casualvillain
Cartoon: Inuyasha

Play an instrument?: No
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?: I barely watch TV at all!
Like to sing?: yep yep, not that good but what the hell!! *sings*
Like to play sports?: Sometimes.
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Nopeth
Have a crush on someone?: Kind of.....>.>
Live somewhere NOT in the united states?: Vancouver, Canada
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?: No we only gots 2!
Have any special talents/skills?: Drawing, writing, it seems I'm pretty nifty and web desinging to, but nothing all to proish I guess.
Exercise daily?: yep yep...well kinda...I do crunches plus I walk everywhere!
Like school?: When its affordable.*sighs*

Sing the alphabet backwards?: Ummm I guess..... O.o
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?: yep
Speak any other languages?: Rusty Spanish.....
Go a day without food?: Of course ya knob!
Read music, not just tabs?: kinda
Roll your tongue?: yep yep
Eat a whole pizza?: ....... ok now ya just discust me! A whole pizza? ick!! I can barely get past three slices!! >.<

Snuck out of the house?: Yes, when I was a wee lil' thing
Cried to get out of trouble?: Probably when I was younger, I don't remember.
Gotten lost in your city?: Nope
Seen a shooting star?: yesh I have
Been to any other countries?: Yea...I guess, just to the states tho, not there is anything bad with the US...but I would like to get off of this damn continent!! >.<
Had a serious surgery?: Does Root canal count? Guess not eh?
Stolen something important to someone else?: oO no
Solved a rubiks cube?: nope...I get fusterated with them to easily. V__V;
Gone out in public in your pajamas?: If ya mena public as in going out to put out the garbage to to get the mail then ys, I have!
Cried over a girl?: no
YesCried over a boy?: no
Kissed a random stranger?: oO no....
Hugged a random stranger?: Nah....
Been in a fist fight?: yea, that I was, damn fucking kid earned what he got!!
Been arrested?: LOL no.
Done drugs?: Nope, sorry I don't want to end up looking like Ozzy there!
Had alcohol?: Had lots of that before!
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?: Much fun!! ^____^
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?: Nope
Swore at your parents?: yea.... >.>
Kicked a guy where it hurts?: Thats just wrong, so no. I hope I never have to.
Been in love?: Yes
Been close to love?: Yes
Been to a casino?: Yes and it was boring!
Ran over an animal and killed it?: no
Broken a bone?: Nope
Gotten stitches?: and nope
Had a waterballoon fight in winter?: yes....unfortunatly
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?: That's disgusting!
Made homemade muffins?: yep yep, a few times, and everyoen eats them before I can grab a bit!! >.<
Bitten someone?: YES! ^__^ Can we say fetish?
Been to disneyland/disneyworld?: Yea
More than 5 times?: Only once
Been to niagara falls?: No, almost went once tho, but my sister made a change of plans...
Burped in someones face?: No, I atleast have some manners!

Fruit/vegetables: Fruits
Black/white: Black
Lights on/lights off: Lights off
eitherTV/movie: Movie
Car/truck: Car
Body spray/lotion: lotion
Cash/check: Debit =P
Pillows/blankets: Pillows
Headache/stomach ache: Stomache Ache
Paint/charcoal: Paint...
Chinese food/mexican food: Chinese
Summer/winter: Winter
Snow/rain: Rain
Fog/misty: Fog
Rock/rap: Rock
Meat/vegetarian: Meat
Chocolate/vanilla: Choclate
Sprinkles/icing: Sprinkles
Cake/pie: Pie
French toast/french fries: french fries
Strawberries/blueberries: strawberries
Ocean/swimming pool: Ocean
Cookies/muffins: cookies
Wallet/pocket: Wallet
Window/door: Window
Pink/purple: EGAD! >.<
Cat/dog: Dogs!
Long sleeve/short sleeve: Short
Pants/shorts: pants
Winter break/spring break: Winter
Spring/autumn: Autumn,  it brings winter
Clouds/clear sky: Clouds

Have you ever been in love?: yep
If you have, with who: past tense need not mention here
Are you in a relationship?: Not currently
If so, for how long?: me love u long time, oui?
Do you believe there is someone for everyone?: I suppose...
What is your idea of the best date?: beach, the ocean, a few city lights in the background and a fire...aww ain't that sweet, and oh, don't forget the booz! >.O
What was your first kiss like?: It was nice and quiet, We were standingoutside in the park next door to the school making out in the forest during lunch.
How old were you when you got your first kiss?: 15
Do you think love is a load of shit?: No, it just depends on who yer with and where and whatnot.
Whats the best experience youve ever had with the opposite sex?: Hey that's personal! My mother could be reading this!! O.O
If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?: yep
Have you ever been dumped?: Yep,
Have you ever dumped someone?: Yes.
Whats the most sexual thing youve done with the opposite sex?: .....are you a Shrink?

What is your favourite genre of music?: I have to many, don't make me choose!!
What time is it now?: 1:11am
What day is it?: Thursday
Whens the last time you called someone?: 3pm yesterday. =P
How much money do you have right now?: Not tellin' ya that eaither!
Are you hungry?: kinda
Whatcha doin?: Why the hell do you care?
What are you going to do when youre done with this?: Paint something
If you could have any magical power what would it be?: summonuing

funny?: Yep
pretty?: Yep
sarcastic?: Noooo...neverrrr =P
lazy?: yea....
hyper?: Depends how much suger I've had! =P
friendly?: Yep
evil?: Ya keep pushing those buttons and I'l become her worst hellish dreames made flesh pal!!
smart?: Yep
strong?: yep
talented?: Yep
dorky?: Very =D

high: Suzanne
skip: Sharon
dance: Swub
lonely: Graham
pen: Suzanne
psycho: Rood
freeze: brendon
orange: Tim

Sky dive?: Yep
Play strip poker?: Sure
Run away?: Yep
Curse at a teacher?: uhhh no
Not take a shower for a week?: Sick...
Ask someone out?: Why not eh?
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?: Fuck them!
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?: Hell yea!
Go scuba diving?: Yesh!!
Write a book?: Graphic Novel prehaps.
Become a rockstar?: Nah. But I'll be the male tester! Yummeh hot rock stars! 
Have casual sex?: Nah sorry, I ain't so easy.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004


Well I'm trying to bring my forum back to life. I'm assiging new mods and everything to, I just want to find another admin for the team, then we should be all set. I reallyw ant to bring it back to the old days.... Anywho I may change the forums layout again....maybe something bright with a lot of white eh? Dunno yet tho'! Got the RP section up again so people can RP their hearsts out.

God I hate allergies!!! Why me? AGH!! For the last few days I've gotten nothing but a fuckin' runny nose and headaches. I know it ain't no bug, because I get this once in awhile and it's always the same symptomes. >.O

Anyways yea..... that's me right now, I can't draw dammit. Lest snot comes out of me nose! And I have so much to draw and sooo much to get done! >.<

Ya know what I haven't done here for awhile, a good quiz, haven't been able to find one for the lies of me tho'.

Sunday, July 25, 2004


Rood and I have the strangest conversations, I swear. Read this!

Fangy: MOOOO!!!!

Rood: I'm serious, just step away from the drugs, girl!

Fangy: Oh come on, give into the MOO drugs!!

Rood: NIEN!

Fangy: But they are so wonderfully mooful!! ^______^

Rood: You need help...serious help...oO

Fangy: I'm already gettin' some, but he doesn't seem to be helping!! oO Maybe I should pay attention and stop staring at his crotch!! I jest! I jest!

Rood: Ok, now I don't believe you! You're not kidding at all! ((Psst! What's his phone number?))

Fangy: lol no seriously...I am kidding.... O.O I wish I had a shrink with a big crotch who was cute so I could stare at him for a long the area of the crotch...maybe once in awhile look at his face...but ya know...the crotch... >.> LOL

Rood: You can't be kidding! Ya got my hopes up and everything! Come on, just gimme his phone number, pleeeeeez! =P

Fangy: Yer just going into the whole wishful thinking, besides if I had a cute shrink don't ya think I would of tried to nab him by now? Especially with that crotch of his? =D

Rood: Noooo! I think you've had him all along, and you've just now let the news slip. And here I thought we were friends! You can't share?!

Fangy: *sighs* What am I to do with you? I'm single, no boyfriend....especially not a boyfriend with a good crotch! LMAO!! XD

Rood: Oh good, then we're already sharing the same non-existant guy.

Fangy: Right - O!!!!

Yesh, pheer our insanity! Hehehe what do ya expect anyways eh?
Got me a Otaku account, it's basically a place for artists to share they're game and anime fanart. seems like a nice community so far. I need to post more of my art up there tho, so far all I got is my kadaj and AC Tifa piccy up. Yea...I really want to do a proper Inuyasha fanart, which is a first for me, because usually I just do fanarts of games.

Well got me some resumes and off I go tommorow to look for a nice new fresh job....Huzzah....tht was sarcastic if ya didn't know.