BAH!!! Haven't written anything in here for so long....
Anywho it looks like I may be goin' to yellowknife....don't know yet tho' have to come to a final descion by tommorow, which is Sunda... yea.... But ya now it's only for six weeks, even tho' me mother told me it was for two month! AGH! Besides we'll be doin' a lot of traveling it seems, on the way tere and on the way back. Still haven't made up my mind.
Oh wellz..... hrmmm what else to say in here? Nothing much has happened. I didn't get that stupid ass job at Rietmens. I'm glad they didn't phone tho, leave a message to phone back only to tell me I suck and they don't want me around. I hate job interviews and I really hate ditsey people that work in retail!
yep anyone, that's my rant for the day.