Friday, July 23, 2004

it's over

Finally after four whole days, my sub job at the out of school daycare is OVER!!!! *celebrates* Anyways yea, won't get me paycheck for another two weeks tho', oh well. Hopefull my sister will go in and pick up my subway check in yellowknife. She better, but knowing my sister she won't for awhile. Shit!

Anyways...I need to start writing more interesting posts in this thing.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004


For the past few days I've been working in a after school class kinda daycare system, and it's where me mom works...I think more then half of the school this daycare is in, like it's big, anyways yea my moms boss who she's a  good friend with asked me out for help and I unfortunatly said yes.

Ok kids are cool and all, but lookin' after a buch of them.... just not my cup of tea. Anyways yea... that's what I've been doin' for the past few days. But atleast I only got two more days before the end of it all, another week before me folks leave and then I'll have the entire house to meself! Can we say; relaxation? lol

God I got the whole, "can we say?" Crap from my sisters boyfriend, he's a hoot but yea now I say that and it drives me nuts! >.<

Anyways, bored, hungary, gonna go find what is being cooked for dinner.

Monday, July 19, 2004


Oi! This is amusing...  but then again, so is this.

Hell yea

Hell Yea!! Everyone is gone!!!!!! Agh finally got some peace and quiet! I am so thankful! But I can't stay and type long, I'm off for long and then off to get a petacure. My feet are gonna get pampered today! w00t!!
O.< I really got to find soemthing more interesting to post in this damn thing.

Sunday, July 18, 2004


Well walked all over Davey street last night, walked past a few gay bars and the girls really got a giggle out of that! Yea that steet is like the main center of the gay community in the lower mainland. I think the rainbow banners on the lamp posts really give it away though.
Anyways today is Angies last day here. She's headin' out tommorow mornin' at 5am! I am so glad I ain't going with 'em, I can just sleep in.
Ya know I really want to buy some booz and go sit down at english bay and just relax for awhile, at night time of course, dunno who would go with me though. *sighs*