Thursday, February 20, 2003

Mood ~ meh
Music ~ Matthew Good band - Weapon

I'm so utterally bored, I wish I could get a job from now until the day I leave, then I would have something to do, and get out of cleaning the two extra bedrooms we have for when Angie and Amber come down for some kinda of sugery Amber has to go to. Ha now she has to stop smokin'. She has to or the lump she has in her throat will get bigger. This is just the first of many more surgeryies she has to get, and this one is little, ain't nothin' much to it. Anywho back to being bored, ya it sucks, I ain't got nothin' to do, except clean like I already said, and listen to blairing music while cleaning...nobody is online, and there ain't to many people on the boards today eaither. I'm so friggin' bored!!! And so I decide to write about in me blog.

Anywho..looky, I'm so proud of it. It's like this is one of the best things I've done in Photoshop to date, and it's the first page I've done in photoshop for Ravenous, and now that I have way more confidence with the program I think I'm going to do all my pages in Photoshop from now on...anywho ya can find this page with all the text on it and whatnot on my Ravenous Site.

Well that's about it, hey if something interesting happens I'll let y'all know.

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