Thursday, November 04, 2004


Mood: Fuck!!!
Listening to: Gwen Steffani ~ What are you wating for

Ok this is how it begins.... yesterday my niece and I got into a bit of a battle. She came home sick and she knows the rules, if yer sick go to bed, because the thing is that she lies constantly about this and that, including being sick. So we don't want to make her so called sick days pleasent *because we all know she isn't sick, she was eating a ton of candy yesterday*, if yer sick go rest and get better.Anywho I say to her yesterday afternoon, ya need to go to bed, like now, your not supposed to have your butt planted on the couch in front of the TV, this is not part of the deal. Then all of a sudden the additude comes bursting out! "Oh whatever, Elsie, I can sit here if I want" and I said "Ummm no ya can't want me to call grandma and have her tell ya to go to bed", and she in her additude said, "Sure, whatever."So I did, she got pissed at me because she didn't think I would do it in the first place. Then she would not get off the phone, whilst I was trying to make a call... another huge battle... She screamed at me, told me to fuck off and said I was a fucking bitch, all because she didn't want to follow house rules, rules which had been set for her.

In all truths she doesn't have any major rules, she just has to respect us and keep her room clean and she can't even do that!Anywho... I finally get my mom on the phone, and my niece wants to talk to her, fine, on the phone she gets and she says I've had one of my sleeping pills.... my mom was outraged with her because we all sat down with her and talked about the rules of this sleeping pill *she's isomonic*, and that she is NOT to take them during the day, only at night, she knew this and still she disobeyed DOCTORS orders.

Anywho she took more then one, she took nine sleeping pills *the whole jar actually*, along with some wine, so we called 911 and got an ambulence to come and get her...nothing but that pissy additude thinking her shit doesn't stink the whole way there.She was intoxicated 18 times over because of those pills and the wine... my dads wine to! She couldn't even stand and her words were all slurred! And she kept saying she was fine, fine my ass! Anyways she gets to the hospital and she treats the nurses and doctors, everyone that knows there is something wrong with her and wants to help her *including me and my mom*, like complete and utter crap!!She had to drink charcole, she told them off and said, "No way, I'm not drinking that", and they said, "Fine, don't drink it, because if you don't we will shove a tube up your nose and do it that way". Gotta love the nurses eh? But just the whole night she was swearing and being a snot nosed prissy bitch!!I can't believe it, I was so embarresed! How can anyone treat someone, especially people that are there to help you, like they are lower beings then you? She stompped all over them. >.<

Anyways she's refused all the help, shrinks and all that, they have given her and she refused it, and trust me, she NEEDS help, a ton of mental help, because now she is a threat to her own life and to others.But she's going home, I don't fucking care anymore, she treated me, my dad and my mom, espeically my mom, who has done nothing but bend over backwards for her, like shit. I'm sorry but that little piece of fucking shit doesn't deserve the rights to even breath! Even after all of today, we've been on the phone with doctors and social services and she keeps calling "come pick me up!" because she had to stay overnight.

Fuck it, I don't care anymore!!!

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