Thursday, June 17, 2004

New Layout

Finally got a new layout. I was going to go with Advent Children Tifa, but I decided against it and to go with Cloud! Why? Because I love Cloud! *glomps the Cloud* =D He's not Sephy or Vinny but he's still pretty damn cool!

God I can't wait for AC! I hear it's supposed to be out here sometime in July but I highly doubt it. I bet we're all going to have to wait until November or some kinda crap like that!

Anywho been workin' at subway for the past few days. It's been fun! As hard as that is to imagine. Well ok besides the whole work idea it's been fun! lol. But seriously it's kinda fun to work with a bunch of people ya used to work with and hang out with.

I have to ask for a letter of reference before I leave. I'll beg my boss if he don't!

Agh I soooo want to go see Harry Potter, and the prisoner of Askaban!! I still have yet to see it! Thankfully it ain't leavin' town for awhile, but still!!! AGH! Atleast my sister wants to see it. maybe I'll drag someone out on Friday night. *sighs*

I have yet to go into Rietmens and freak people out with my return, although I doubt anyone I used to know there is still there, since when I worked there the staff changed constantly. Atleast my old boss is still there, atleast I think she is, unless she's gotten tired of this shithole and has left permantly. Although she did say she loved yellowknife, atleast until she finds out for herself what a hole in the wall this place is.

Anyways I should go get ready for work. I get to work with some newbies today...well newbies to me not necessarly to the subway staff. Oh speaking of work I got to work in the old subway last night...that was just wierd. I never thought I would ever be back there again! O.<

Oh and y'all should try this, it's tons of fun! BLOOD SHED...with umm...arrows and whatnot. HUZZAH!!!

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