Tuesday, November 25, 2003

w00t! Had a good interview today, the position was for assisstent manager, with a fair pay for workin' in a jewerly store. Ya know the type. The ones with all the "Princess" Crap in it that the kids go nuts for. Ya crap like that!!

The manager actually reminded me of my old boss at Rietmens up in the Knife. Which was kinda odd.

But anywho it snowed today, and there is still snow on the ground since it has rained yet. It was kinda ncie ya know, although a bit cold outside today. HAd to strap on my wool coat and put on some leather gloves to keep warm. I can tell ya one thing though. I'm so glad I ain't up north anymore, or else I would be freezin' my ass of by now. They are callin' for more snow to sometime this week. Which is cool, I love snow.

Oh, it seems my niece is comin' down for the holidays. Amber is very happy, she is a brat soemtimes, and yes we did have our share of fights, but she's family and no matter what kinda crap she puts me through I will always love her. She's very excited about comin' down. My mother and I have made sure that her christmas here will be a good one. She's got a few good gifts headin' her way this year, she'll be pleased. ^_^

Well nothing much else is new with me... I like my new Sephy layout, although I still say that KH Sephy is a hundred times better, but this fire sence is better then the one in FFVII. May take it down and do another one anyways. Meh, it depends on how lazy I am. Besides I got to get a christmas theme goin' for the cover of Burning Angels.

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