Thursday, July 17, 2003

My way back home

Well it seems I made it home safe and sound, and in one piece!! Although some of my lugage almost didn't, but I'll say more about that later on.

Ok first off I didn't sleep at all, and we were to get up at five in the mornin', and so we did, we got up got goin' and we were on the road in no time. The road from Yellowknife to the next 'gas station and general storee' town was all dirt, plus as we went a bit further along and got off the dirt road, we eventually came across some Buffalo. Amazinly enough they just stood there as we took some quick snap shots. Amazinly enough we saw a part of a huge friggin' herd right along side the road, but as my sister was drivin' she turned a looked at them all and did not see the huge male buffalo walkin' graduatly towards us. Good things these guys don't charge, well they do, but the ones up there are faily calm. But anyways we all yelled at my sister to watch were she was goin' and as soon as that was outta the way we were on calm seas.

Fifteen hours later we finally arrive at a place outside of Grande Pairie*our real first destination* called Grimshaw, that has this place that sells pretty good dry ribs. They were ok I guess, don't know why Ang went erserk over them, I've had better. But anywho we finally pay and leave, curl up in our car and off to Grande Pairie we go, only to be caught in one of those ever so famous pairie stornms with lightening and the whole damn friggin' works. Finall it stops and we continue, drop the oldest of the kids we are carrin' at her dads and we spent the night in hotel.

Next day off to West Edmonton mall we go, Ang and the lil' one went to the giant wave pool, whilst me and my mom shopped a bit. That was a bout it, we only had three hours before it closed. the next day however, we shopped more. Me mother and I got one of thos old fashioned photos done up in black and white, well more of the brownish color. 'Tis cool, we got a antique frame and all for it.

Anyways today, today was ok, we drove through Jasper *a place I haven't seen in years* and finally home. And this is where the problems start. The guys couldn't find any of our bags, well they found three at first, but the most important one with photoshop and the PS2 in it had gone missin' and my heart was just like OMG OMG OMG OMG...anyways after shiftin' a bunch of peoples crap around they finally found it, and it was the fact that the people in edmonton put it in the wrong section. ASS HOLES!!! Almost lost a few thousand bucks worthe of stuff. But I have it now, thank god!!

Anyways I get home and my room is a absalute mess, i guess it can't be helped and all, but now tommorw I hve to clean it all up again, and move some shit outta there, like the sewin' machine and other crap. But tonight, I don't give a damn....I'm tired and am off to bed. *yawns*

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