My computer is odd, it frooze up on me everytime I first tried to get into it, constanlty, now out of the blue it works just dandy? well I might as well get it looked at again. Graham said that it sounded like somethin' overheatin' but when he looked there was nothin' he could find inside. Which was again, very odd.
But now it seems to be just hunky dorry? odd? you bet!!
Anyways when Graham did come over he sat and chatted and chatted some more, and then tryed to fix the computer which he couldn't because he though it was a software problem and didn't releize it maybe harware and so didn't bring any of that harware stuff with him, but most of it he couldn't anyways, since he would of had to take it home and play with it there, but anywho we saw pirates that night. What a awesome, hilarious movie!!! For those who had never been on the ride you may not see some of the familiar stuff, but it was great indeed. Johnny Depp is a awesome pirate, cute to, but absalutly hilarious, I couldn't tell ya what part I loved most, just to say I loved it all, and me thinks I shall be seein' it again fairly soon.
Anyways after the movie was another thing, we kinda forgot were the car was and so wondered endlessly searchin' for it, and if it wasn't for my idea to go back up *we parked underground* to the surface and come down the way we came up, we would of been stuck in there for days. Awww well, t'was a good night.
And yes the day before Suzanne came over, agh it was so good to see my best bud. we went to eat japanese food, which is...god was it ever good toeat that again!! being without it for a long time is hard enough, man did I ever gurge!!! thing is I may go again today...w00t!!! Then we hit the mall, bad I already the day before went on a bit of a shoppin' spree, spent me a hundred bucks...da list is as follows
1. A kick ass shirt from sirens
2. A new bra
3. 2 CD's, Linkin Park ~ meteroa and Beyonca ~ Love is Dangerous *2 very good CD's*
4. And a 30 dollar comic book by the name of Sojourn, it's made by Crossgen and it's like 6 chapters in one book, and man is it awesome, I recommend and fantasy lover or anyone that just loves comis, to pick this up
But anyways the say out with me best bud I bought the second book to Sojourn, yea I'm bad, but meh I finally got my sister to go pick up my paycheck from subway since I never got it before I left. Oh another thing I bought, it was a new beddin' from Ikea, it's so very nice and soft and ever so comfy. It's white, I thought it may make my sleigh bed look more antique since it's a cherry red kinda color *cherry red stain ya know* and it does, looks very old now, which exceotion to the rnadom action figures that layabout my room.
Well that's it for me, this computer better not fuss again, 'cause I'm off to get me some homemade pancakes!! Boy am I glad to be home with my family and friends!!
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