Thursday, February 27, 2003

Mood ~ Happy
Music ~ Matthew Good Band

Well things are looking up around here, ever since Amber left, w00t!! is al I have to say. In a way I'm glad she is moving out, and leaving her room to me when I move. I don't know if I could take anymore of her and her snotty additude. God that kid thinks she is so grown up, but let me tell you every time to goes into a friggin' frenzy about some stupid little thing, she just proves us all right on how immature she really is.

Well anyways I redid my comment system again...I hope it works. When I get some cash I'm switchin' to blogger pro, 'cause it's got a built in comment system, and so I won't have to deal with this crap all the time. *kicks blog* That and I may get gold for the board. Or atleast ezsupporter for seems cheaper that way, but it would be nice to get gold, I mean if ya get gold ya get ezsupporter right along with it.

Well I should leave you all so I can publish this thing and see if my comment system will work *sighs*

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